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July Poetry Lovin'National Poetry Month may be over, but the New York City Poetry Festival will be full of hearts and roses for the power of verse July 26th & 27th. And guess the name of one of the event's official vendors? Quail Bell Magazine, Fledglings! That's right—us. Check us out on the festival vendor page. And be sure to get your feather tails over to Governors Isle to visit us that weekend. As always, we look forward to meeting our readers in person. Until then, order one of our anthologies. #NYC #Poetry #NYCPoFest #LiteraryEvents #CulturalFests #FestivalVendor #GovernorsIsle #Zines #QuailBell Visit our shop and subscribe. Sponsor us. Submit and become a contributor. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
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About UsWelcome to our staff blog, where you can learn more about The Quail Bell Crew. HistoryChristine Stoddard conceived the idea for Quail Bell in late 2009 after writing a children's story by the same name, and launched the website as a college blog in 2010. In June 2013, Christine and former art director Kristen Rebelo officially launched Quail Bell Magazine as a global web magazine. Read our editorial mission statement to learn more.