The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Stop by Suffolk in 2013!You can never have enough friends and, by golly, we just made another pal. Check out Shooting Star Gallery in the sweet historic Suffolk, Virginia. Founded in 1742, Suffolk houses many old-timey and cultural treasures, with Shooting Star Gallery among them. Shooting Star celebrates Virginia artists and will begin carrying Quail Bell Express, our print magazine, in January 2013. Stop by and pick up a copy to support both local business and creation in the Ol' Dominion.
The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
2013 means new design!Photo by Alexander C. Kafka Dear fledglings,
Unless you're a Quail Bell regular (and I hope you are if you aren't already), you probably came to this blogroll via our new and improved homepage. The Quail Bell Crew has made many resolutions for 2013 and one of those resolutions is to improve our website's look and navigability. Over the next few days, you'll notice a sleeker Quail Bell with more options but all packaged more cleanly than you've seen in the past. So start exploring! And if you don't know where to begin, join our (e)mailing list for forthcoming tips and even a few inside secrets. Happy holidays and ho ho ho! Feathery hugs, Christine Stoddard/"Luna Lark" The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Keep Quail Bell Magazine alive as a 501c3!Quail Bell Magazine has existed in its current form as a project of Quail Bell Press & Productions, LLC. since September 2011. So, for a little bit more than a year, The Quail Bell Crew has established a track record. We've regularly updated the website, produced two issues of our print 'zine, Quail Bell Express, hosted original events, tabled at 'zine festivals, and even created an iPhone app. Now we're hoping to grow our online presence and build more of a community around Quail Bell--as a 501c3 non-profit project of Quail Bell Press & Productions, LLC. Right now we're looking into grant programs and large-scale fundraising options that would allow Quail Bell Magazine to be a sustainable publication dedicated to the imaginary, the nostalgic, and the otherworldly. Grants would allow Quail Bell Magazine to (among other things): • Update the website with new and original content everyday • Fund longer, more elaborate content, such as investigative pieces • Add more multimedia to the website • Reach out to more artists, writers, journalists, and other content creators from across the globe • More regularly produce print projects (without having to rely on Kickstarter or IndieGoGo all the time!) • Host events more often--maybe even every month! • Organize efforts to benefit community art, historic preservation, and folklore studies projects • Pay The Quail Bell Crew a fair stipend for all of their hard work! • Pay contributors a fair fee for their amazing submissions! In order to have the most access to grants, Quail Bell Magazine is shooting for non-profit (501c3) status in 2013. That would make all of your donations to Quail Bell tax-deductible! In order to even be considered for 501c3 status by the IRS, however, we must pay a $300 fee. Please help us reach that goal! Donations of any size are appreciated. Thank you so much for your donation! Please spread the word so that we can spread our wings! Feathery Hugs, The Quail Bell Crew The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
About UsWelcome to our staff blog, where you can learn more about The Quail Bell Crew. HistoryChristine Stoddard conceived the idea for Quail Bell in late 2009 after writing a children's story by the same name, and launched the website as a college blog in 2010. In June 2013, Christine and former art director Kristen Rebelo officially launched Quail Bell Magazine as a global web magazine. Read our editorial mission statement to learn more.