The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Looking at us, going all academicDear fledglings,
We're proud to announce that two copies of Quail Bell Express, Issue 2 have been accepted into Brooklyn College's 'zine collection. The collection is on display at the campus library, where 'zines may be enjoyed but not checked out. Feel free to head to Flatbush and see QB in all its scholarly glory. Can't head up there? Order your own copy of Quail Bell Express today! What a nice way to end Thanksgiving break. Good luck with work and school tomorrow. Feathery hugs, The Quail Bell Crew The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Give the gift of the quail quirk this holiday season. Art, literature, history, folklore--you love the imaginary, the nostalgic, and the otherworldly. Your friends and family probably do, too. And if they don't, convert them with an issue of Quail Bell Express. Issue 2, in all its printed, design-y beauty, makes the perfect stocking stuffer! There are poems, essays, articles, short stories, and illustrations all presented in a new and improved format that's screaming for a place next to your record player.
Save yourself some stress and make shopping easy this year. Give the gift of quail quirk--and, hey, you might as well treat yourself to a slice of it while you're at it. All it takes is a couple clicks at our Subscriptions page. The best part is that you'll be supporting Quail Bell and keep the website up and running. Thanks in advance for your order! The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Sometimes Papercuts are LOVING.Quail Bell(e)s have big hearts, but we're not the only ones! Quail Bell Magazine has just been named a 'friend' of Papercut Press in Brooklyn, New York. Papercut is an indie publishing company that takes underrepresented writers under its wing and promotes alternative literature in New York City and beyond. Thanks for the love, Papercut! We're just as happy to support you as you are to support us.
The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Looking for a new addiction?Then get Quail Bell Tea Party--our first app! It's a cute little game now available through the Apple Store.
The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Penn 'zinesters stole our hearts.Wow, it's been nearly a week since our Executive Editor, Christine Stoddard, popped up to Philadelphia for a couple of days and tabled at the 2012 Philly 'Zine Fest. We're so happy that we participated in the festival's 10th year. We're also happy that new people in a new region found out about Quail Bell Express and bought so many of our goodies. Hopefully we'll table there again next year!
The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Look. Touch. Feel.Aching to see QB 'zines in the flesh (er...print)? Now you can find our 'zine projects at Hazardous Materials, a blossoming 'zine shop and writers' space in Richmond, Virginia. Currently they're carrying Quail Bell Express: Issue 1, Quail Bell Express: Issue 2, and Rex and the Knight. We're so excited to see our little babies out in the world! Please show us some love by checking out this amazing new space and maybe even taking one of our 'zines home with you.
About UsWelcome to our staff blog, where you can learn more about The Quail Bell Crew. HistoryChristine Stoddard conceived the idea for Quail Bell in late 2009 after writing a children's story by the same name, and launched the website as a college blog in 2010. In June 2013, Christine and former art director Kristen Rebelo officially launched Quail Bell Magazine as a global web magazine. Read our editorial mission statement to learn more.