The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Adieu to Peru and home again!Dear fledglings,
I have never been so grateful to step barefoot on my hardwood floor, dig into my refrigerator for odds and ends, and plop onto my fluffy bed. I am finally at home after 17 hours of traveling and feeling blessed in my little Richmond, Virginia. Learning and serving in Piura—a medium-sized Peruvian city grappling with poverty and the forces of nature in a desert climate—has, predictably, changed my perspective on many things. This was my first real-world encounter with the struggles people in a developing country face every single day. The poverty I saw in Puerto Rico in 2011 or in Mexico in 2012 does not truly compare to what I witnessed in Peru this past week. No amount of reading could make up for actually encountering naked children and cardboard houses in real life. I'm glad I went mostly because I'm less likely to take the relative ease and convenience of my life for granted. That alone will change how I approach volunteer projects and simply relate to people on a daily basis. I am also happy I had a chance to meet the family I'll be sponsoring. As promised, my adventure has also yielded some original art and writing. That includes a community art project, Palabras a Dios, which I did with children at a Catholic school and teens at a girls' orphanage in Piura, as well as Poems from Piura, a more personal project. More on those soon. Until then, check here at as we post away this week. And don't forget to visit our table at the Richmond 'Zine Fest on Saturday. We'll be hosting a workshop at 2:30 p.m. that day, too. Feathery hugs, Christine Stoddard/ “Luna Lark” Founder/Editor The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Farewell, North America! Hello, South America!Dear fledglings, Today I leave for Piura, Peru. As many of you are already aware, I am going as a missionary through the non-profit, Commissioned by Christ. Of course the word “missionary” is slightly deceiving. My group is not going to convert anyone. This is, after all, South America, where Catholicism reigns supreme. Instead, we are going on a service-learning trip, where our goal is to grow as individuals who are better able to bring about positive change in our own communities upon our return. Obviously we plan to help the Piura community in whatever way we can while we are there, but we have no delusions of grandeur. There is only so much we can accomplish in nine days and it also not our role to impose our values and tell a whole city what's “best” for them. Over the course of nine days, our group will be presented with a variety of tasks to complete for a local parish. While I hope to spend a lot of that time teaching English and perhaps doing an art project like Guadalajara in 35mm or The Children of Jackson Ward, anything is possible. If I'm called to mend a fence, I will mend a fence. If I'm called to distribute food to neighboring villages, I will distribute food. I'll do what I'm asked to do with an open heart and an open mind. You can also bet I'll keep my eyes and ears open for great stories and photos, too. Upon my return, I'll have a lot to share with the Quail Bell community.
While I'm away, art director Kristen Rebelo and managing editor Misty Thomas are in charge. Should you have any questions, please email them. I will not be checking my email until October 1st. I trust that Kristen and Misty will serve up a healthy daily dose of the imaginary, the nostalgic, and the otherworldly to loyal readers like you every day during my absence. Feathery hugs, Christine Stoddard/ “Luna Lark” Founder/Editor The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Welcome, Misty!Dear fledglings, It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to our new and fabulous managing editor, Misty Thomas of Atlanta, Georgia! Misty is a writer and aspiring educator who moved to Richmond, Virginia's historic Church Hill neighborhood earlier this year. By now, you've probably read several of Misty's sparkling stories on the website. You can also look forward to the debut of her 'zine (an excerpt from her fantasy novel) at the Richmond 'Zine Festival on October 5th. As if that were not exciting enough, I recently named Misty the co-author of Images of America: Richmond's Cemeteries (Arcadia Publishing), as well. It seems that my meeting Misty was divine providence. She embodies the Quail Bell spirit and has already been a great asset to our team during her two-month tenure with The Quail Bell Crew. Watch out for Misty's arts and history coverage on the site, and definitely stay tuned for her other Quail Bell projects! Feathery hugs, Christine Stoddard/"Luna Lark" Founder/Editor The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Our Kickstarter got some press today.Today the Richmond Times-Dispatch covered Quail Bell's original documentary, Richmond's Dead and Buried, because of the success of our Kickstarter campaign. Read the article here and also check out the poster art director Kristen Rebelo made for the film:
The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Our 2013 Brooklyn 'Zine Festival Interview |
About UsWelcome to our staff blog, where you can learn more about The Quail Bell Crew. HistoryChristine Stoddard conceived the idea for Quail Bell in late 2009 after writing a children's story by the same name, and launched the website as a college blog in 2010. In June 2013, Christine and former art director Kristen Rebelo officially launched Quail Bell Magazine as a global web magazine. Read our editorial mission statement to learn more.