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Make our loyal readers your loyal customers.Please download our advertising form: ![]()
And let us know if you have any questions!
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Read 'em, know 'em, love 'emDear fledglings,
We have new submission guidelines! Please get your feathery heads familiar with them. We can't wait to read and see what you submit to us next. Keep the art and writing coming! Your work might even appear in Quail Bell Express! Feathery hugs, The Quail Bell Crew The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
Give this beautiful lady a portrait.Just shy of a year ago, our dear Managing Editor, Josephine Stone, died when a valet driver hit her in downtown Richmond, Virginia. We commemorated Josie in a special issue of our print 'zine, Quail Bell Express: Issue 1 (which you can still subscribe to today.) Now, in observance of the one-year anniversary of Josie's death and to forever carry on her memory, we would like to have a portrait of Josie hung up in Penny Lane Pub. Josie worked at Penny Lane Pub throughout most of her college career; it was also the last place she stopped by to say 'hi' to friends before she died. She was on her way to a concert at The National, which lies only a few blocks from Penny Lane. We are envisioning an elegant, simple portrait rendered in charcoal. It would be framed and displayed on one of the restaurant walls, along with a little plaque about Josie. Because we are a low-budget project run predominantly by college students and recent graduates, paying for this effort will be difficult. We already go over-budget on many of our projects. That's why we're asking for your help. With your donation, The Quail Bell Crew would be able to cover the cost of custom-framing (about $100), the wall plaque (about $50), and the portrait artist's services ($100.) So we're looking to raise a total of $250-300. Please consider donating to the Josephine Stone Portrait Fund so we can honor Josie's memory in one of her most beloved places. Thank you for your donation. We sincerely appreciate it. Feathery hugs, The Quail Bell Crew The Breadcrumbs widget will appear here on the published site.
We're now taking subscriptions.Show your true love for Quail Bell! Please subscribe to our latest and most stunning print project to date: Quail Bell Express: issue 2.
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Smile! You're on RVA 'Zine Fest Camera.One of the Richmond 'Zine Festival organizers caught our Executive Editor Christine Stoddard slightly off-guard while she was tabling with Kristen Rebelo on Oct. 6th. Remember to look for Quail Bell at the 2012 Philly 'Zine Fest on Oct. 27th!
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And we adore her.We just made the list of online magazines that blogger, Jessica Cangiano of Chronically Vintage, truly adores! Uh-huh. Right here. We love you, too, Jessica!
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A Girl Named Leney featured us, too!We're even more popular than we thought. A Girl Named Leney also featured our 'Once Upon a Time II: Forgotten Folklore" fashion show. Please check out her little write-up and accompanying photographs.
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'Once Upon a Time II: Forgotten Folklore' Behind the ScenesBy Jasmine Thompson Here are behind-the-scenes photos from our fashion show at Selba in Richmond, Virginia last Thursday: |
About UsWelcome to our staff blog, where you can learn more about The Quail Bell Crew. HistoryChristine Stoddard conceived the idea for Quail Bell in late 2009 after writing a children's story by the same name, and launched the website as a college blog in 2010. In June 2013, Christine and former art director Kristen Rebelo officially launched Quail Bell Magazine as a global web magazine. Read our editorial mission statement to learn more.