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A Halloween GiftDear fledglings,
It should probably go without saying that Halloween is my favorite holiday. After all, I'm the girl who's co-directed a documentary on Edgar Allan Poe, am co-writing a book on cemeteries, and am also directing a documentary on cemeteries. Oh, yeah, plus I founded Quail Bell Magazine, which is like Halloween incarnate. Think I like weird, dead stuff? You bet your britches. I am elated that October 31st has arrived and know I'll only get happier as nightfall approaches. I could kiss a werewolf! Halloween gushing aside, I have another reason to be thrilled today. Art director extraordinaire, Kristen Rebelo, and I checked out the proofs of Quail Bell's companion anthologies --Airborne and The Nest (Belle Isle Books, an imprint of Brandylane Publishers)—and our jaws practically hit the Edwardian-era floorboards. They look beautiful and they are a beautiful read. What a gift! Pre-order your copies today. You'll be seeing them in Barnes & Noble and on not too long from now, too. Happy Halloween! Feathery hugs, Christine Stoddard/ “Luna Lark” Founder/Editor CommentsComments are closed.
About UsWelcome to our staff blog, where you can learn more about The Quail Bell Crew. HistoryChristine Stoddard conceived the idea for Quail Bell in late 2009 after writing a children's story by the same name, and launched the website as a college blog in 2010. In June 2013, Christine and former art director Kristen Rebelo officially launched Quail Bell Magazine as a global web magazine. Read our editorial mission statement to learn more.