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Summer Stories and Other DesiresAs a managing editor, I see every submission that comes into Quail Bell...and that is a LOT of submissions. We have Fledglings from all over the world sending their awesome matieral and it breaks my heart to have to turn any of them down. But the whole crew has been wanting to get back to our roots lately, which means we want a sharper focus on the themes we're craving to see. With that said, I wanted to personally share exactly what Quail Bell has been searching for to make it easier on you to share your wonderful words with us. Below are several topic-specific calls for submissions with details and deadlines for submission with deadlines for your convenience. Aren't I nice? When submitting to Quail Bell, please remember to take a look at our general submission guidelines as well for the best experience for everyone. For the following special calls, please adhere to any special instructions given (they aren't horrible, I promise!). When you're done, send your work to us at [email protected]. We can't wait to see what you've created! True Summer Stories - Due by August 31st
I recently took a trip to Virginia Beach, hoping it would inspire me to create new words and art. Instead, it inspired me to curate old and new voices of summer. So, tell us about your long walks on the beach, stories about each Zodiac sign reacting to summer, your all-time favorite summer album, etc. Make us question all we know about what literature is supposed to look like. Send submissions to [email protected] with the subject line SUMMER SUBMISSION. We look forward to collecting your rare shells of writing. My First Classic Book - Due by July 31st What classic book did you read for the first time? This could mean one read to you as a child or the first classic novel you were forced to read in high school. Did you fall in love with classic literature? Were you determined to never read again? Did it inspire you to become a writer? Tell us the story of your first journey into classic literature. Use the subject line CLASSIC LIT when submitting your piece. Who knows? Maybe I'll find that someone that hated A Separate Peace as much as I did. Victoriana - Ongoing Forever Our early days had a lot of Victoriana, and gosh darnnit, we want it back. Something like this piece on Victorian Thanksgivings or a detailed list of the best teas out there. Maybe an interview with a Steampunk costume designer or a photo tour of a historic house. Give us a makeup tutorial inspired by the Queen. Send submissions to the above email with the tagline VICTORIANA so we know you're the VIP guest we've been expecting. Essays on Current Events - Due at a decent time that makes sense, honestly. I don't think I have to explain what kinds of current events I'm talking about, whether it be political turmoil or ongoing issues that still exist today. When submitting a political hot-take on an issue, make sure it has properly vetted sources and does not come off as a Facebook midnight rant. We're open to many different perspectives, but please take a look at things we've published in the past to get an idea of our values and audience. Use the subject line CURRENT EVENTS SUBMISSION so we can publish your timely piece ASAP. Comments8/31/2018 08:05:44 pm
Wow, I found you via a FB post this morning and I feel really excited. My first love in writing is short stories, so I intend to submit. Will you be requesting different themes in the future as well? Comments are closed.
About UsWelcome to our staff blog, where you can learn more about The Quail Bell Crew. HistoryChristine Stoddard conceived the idea for Quail Bell in late 2009 after writing a children's story by the same name, and launched the website as a college blog in 2010. In June 2013, Christine and former art director Kristen Rebelo officially launched Quail Bell Magazine as a global web magazine. Read our editorial mission statement to learn more.