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Quail Bell Express ['zine]QB has existed as a website since May 2010. That may not be long in real time, but it's eons in Internet time. Now, instead of doing what so many magazines do, which is go from print to web, we want to do just the opposite. We know our fledglings crave the nostalgic. So this fall, we're finally transferring our pixels to paper. That's right, Quail Bell's going to print with our premiere 'zine project, Quail Bell Express. Of course, as our long-time readers are surely aware, our staff consists of young writers and artists (not exactly the most economically endowed of demographics). That's why we launched a Kickstarter! We just need $300 to put out the first couple hundred copies of our first issue. Want to learn more?
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About UsWelcome to our staff blog, where you can learn more about The Quail Bell Crew. HistoryChristine Stoddard conceived the idea for Quail Bell in late 2009 after writing a children's story by the same name, and launched the website as a college blog in 2010. In June 2013, Christine and former art director Kristen Rebelo officially launched Quail Bell Magazine as a global web magazine. Read our editorial mission statement to learn more.