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Out of ContextThe Book of Dues all that remains of Judges come out to join in the dancing the LORD said early the next day the LORD was to be put to death the daughters sat weeping bitterly why has this happened why they counted the fighting women four hundred young women had never slept the people grieved the young women settled everyone did The Book of Thru all that remains of Ruth love gave birth to a son in old age the child cared for living and they named him no one except him will raise the dead he was the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father The Book of Hag all that remains of Haggai the LORD looked and saw nothing but fear the Lord said I will once more shake I will shake I will careful thought is one stone laid on another I am going to shake I will I will take I will the word is consecrated meat in the fold of a dead body The Book of Same all that remains of James listen human misery is coming your clothes corrode your flesh like fire do not swear by sin songs or spring rain your cries are crying out against you see how you fatten the ears of the Lord the face of suffering is standing at the door The Book of Respite all that remains of First Peter be alert like a lion looking for a kiss witness suffering care resist the world is a flock of anxiety and faith you must never rest #Unreal #Poetry #OutOfContext #NoMoreHate #Faith #Anxiety #Religion #Bible Visit our shop and subscribe. Sponsor us. Submit and become a contributor. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
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