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power in the bloodBy Jill Crainshaw aunt gertrude played the antique upright in church every sunday sometimes by ear sometimes the old-timey way reading notes shaped like diamonds or triangles but the hymn she cherished most her fingers knew by heart power in the blood wonder-working power as much as i loved to hear gospel favorites spilling from Aunt Gertrude’s fingers blood hymns troubled my soul too violent too brutal i knew even as a kid how much life and hope the old old story had bled out over the years early that vicious sunday morning shots rang out precious blood wonder-working blood spilled out on the dance floor in the streets spattering shoes dancers doctors nurses police officers lovers friends as we gathered for church that day several states away in orlando they did it the old-timey way by heart for those too often discarded discounted disremembered now dismembered a mile-long vein opened up friends and strangers enfleshing care until a flood of plasma pulsated through the city into wounded souls and as my little group of worshipers lined up at the communion table to eat the bread drink the cup share the holy body i remembered that old hymn flowing out from aunt gertrude’s hands and for the first time i heard it hint the only truth it could there is power in the blood #Unreal #Orlando #Blood #Power #Healing #Christ #Religion #Orlando Visit our shop and subscribe. Sponsor us. Submit and become a contributor. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.