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Home Remedies
By M.C. St. John
…When women and coffee and El platforms kill white blood cells, take 2 Tylenol with water and read Chapter 1 of 100 Years of Solitude because Marquez is a cool cloth for a brow burning red… …When hair plays hide-and-seek between the scalp and various drains, smash every mirror in the apartment for 35 years bad luck, giving ample time for real ailments to form and fret over the counter to the pharmacist… …When hands ready to write ex-lovers bloat to the thunder thighs of pink pigs, load the musket-strainer with gunpowder green tea, then steep and sip that sucker until all 7 old romances tra-la-la into the open field for a clean shot… …When ribs squeeze the lungs in a white fist and deflate all the hot air in spurts, hitch the 305 Wolverine hungry for homesickness and haul it to Michigan where people are the same people as before, only more lined, ready to ask about the big city… …When blood pressure rises with mercury and thoughts of dad’s future death, scoop 1 hearty bowl of orange sherbet and talk about how home movies are for relieving but not reliving Christmases and birthdays, that when time lets out its celluloid- VHS-DVD-digital reel for him, for everyone, it will never need rewinding… …When words fester to rows of blackheads on a milk-colored page, crack 30 finger-knuckles as a pianist would silence silence, glance out the café window fogged by teenage lovers, and recall words are wily bastards (no doubt about it), but they will arrive as geese fly in Vs and ants march in ever-growing ellipses… …When taken as instructed, wait a week or two until at Clark and Lake a women appears who shakes the skull like a snow globe and the thirst for coffee returns and Macondo will only feel like a fever dream…
#Unreal #Poem #Valentine'sDay #Lovers #Love
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