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Emotions Collected in Tranquility
I was Cinderella.
With trembling hands, you fixed glass slippers to my feet and so I knew I was queen of bedlam's damned, robed in my stained nightie. Lithium had not dethroned me. I was free to stalk regally the lipstick dipstick cauliflowers with wandering minds. "Do not go gentle into the good night," (1) you said. Motherfucker. Baboon. Go hump a tree. Ariel, when my mind was wandering, I was plath, a stunted tulip, a damaged eternal child, exiled from my fancy, garnished with snot. I ate myself. A Snickers wrapper, I found myself adrift on wet salt as black as your heart, you were the woody underneath my bum, poking me. I overturned you and drowned, a mermaid atrophied. "My heart aches and a drowsy numbness pains" (2) Keats, who never made friends with Guinness and died sucking his dick. The Little Matchstick Girl saw doggerel eat Schrodinger's cat. I was a Mermaid cresting flaccid white soon trash. Starbucks lovers are Swift boyfriends. They raped the shit out of me. It was a fatal enema. Fartless, I danced down into the muttering retreats (3) of the cigarette-ashen street. You were passing by. You cut me. And lit a wilting cigarette. My phallic images are so overdone. I cut myself today. I wanted to feel more than your silence. Blood is Thin Mint. It runs with no enthusiasm. Sorry, skanky bitch, insincere, unlike me. I ran and ran and ran, fire in my feet. Pain and joy were my beautiful black wings. You thought I was a butterfly. Or your eyes did. They tried to fix me. I flew away, laughing, atropine in my leaking veins. Were I a cunt poem, I live not in profuse strains of unpremeditated art. (4) I am MDMA, Ecstasy. Daydreams made me a Sleeping Beauty. I was never awake to feel Mummy's acid tongue rip my peroxide porcelain perfection, once Marilyn-ed, I am no longer Daddy's little princess. I am a big girlie now. So fuck me and wank for me and tell me you'll strip for me. Don't fuck with me. You sucked on country pleasures, childishly. (5) The mirror is cracked. I only have the room till one. All my bags are packed. I am ready to go. I am leaving on a jetplane. (6) 1. Dylan Thomas' Do Not Go Gentle Into the Good Night which is, like c'mon, a totally amazing poem. Seriously. # awesome. 2. The maudlin Keat's Ode to a Nightingale, about a seriously ugly bird that doesn't deserve it's high-falutin name. Good meat though. 3. Eliot's poem about some bald dude. Bald dudes are scary in prison. It must be the baldness. 4. Shelleys ode to another seriously ugly bird. Won't someone write a poem about a Boeing airbus for a change? They're birds too, right? Am I right? 5. From one of John Donne's randy poems. Cool dude. Serious street cred. Totally awesome. 6. Written by a dude, repossessed by a chick and rendered sublime, this is from Leaving on a Jetplane which tries to induce pathos (SAT word, you won't get it) into a mundane activity. My poems about the lawnmower in the backyard are more awesome. My poetry teacher agrees and he went to Puck Frinceton. Yeah, and he wants to get into my pants.
#Unreal #Poem #Disney #Princesses #Tranquility
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