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The Water Snake
In the Bayous of Southern Louisiana, there was once was a boy who lived in the swamps alone. The boy had always been an orphan, and lived by fishing and catching wild animals with his bare hands. One day, the boy was fishing when he suddenly caught a snake on his fishing line. He reeled the snake up, wondering whether or not he should release the creature.
“I caught you,” the boy said to the snake. “Yes, you have caught me,” the snake replied. “What should I do with you? Does your meat taste any good?” “I don’t know, I cannot taste my food. Even if I could, I certainly would not bother eating myself.” “How much could your hide fetch me? It is a beautiful skin, so it must worth something?” “Why must a young boy such as yourself worry for food and money? Do your parents not care for you, provide what you need?” “No parents. I live in the swamp alone, and I provide what I need.” “Well, you have certainly caught me. I am sure you wish to gloat of your great triumph. But be warned, your attempt at harming me may only harm you.” “How so?” “Well, I am the special Water Snake. My venom is strong enough to kill the largest gator, imagine what I could do to a young boy like you? Listen to my warnings, and release me.” “But if I merely grab you by the head, and decapitate you, then you will be no threat? I am not scared of you.” “Will you take that risk? Why not simply release me, and I will help you eat for today? What sets us Water Snakes apart from the land snakes is that we are not aggressive without purpose. We spend our days swimming and eating, and reproduce other Water Snakes. We pose no threat to the domain of humans. If you release me boy, then I can be your greatest ally. Try ande harm me, and I will be your worst enemy. Listen to my words. You can trust me.” “No, you are a snake. I cannot believe anything you say. You are a deceiver, and unworthy of my consideration.” “You will believe whatever is said to you, as is the rite of your species.” “I do not believe you? You are wrong here. I trust no one, especially things that crawl.” “You have no clue how correct I am. If I were simply another animal, you would not feel the way you do. If I were an otter, or a bird, perhaps even a possum, you would not be so suspicious. You do not trust me, because I am a snake. Yet, it is not I that will lie to you. Your own kind will lie to you more than I.” “I have no kind, I am alone. I will kill you, eat your meat, and sell your skin. Enough with your deception snake!” “You should trust us animals over yourself. I do not desire you harm. Continue as your rite demands. Now you will be merely another story to tell to other snakes.” The boy grabbed the Water Snake from his line, being immediately bitten. The snake was able to free itself, and slither back into the water from whence it came. The boy died quickly from the venom, and was found floating peacefully in the face of the bayou, until another human fisherman found him.
#Unreal #Louisiana #Bayou #FairyTale #WaterSnake #BewareOfTheBite #ReleaseMe!
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