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Thomas James 2: Thomas James
By Kiki Stamatiou
Thomas James was a man down on his luck. He searched his soul for the answers as to how he could get out of the mess he was in. After doing some time in jail for drug possession, vandalism and destruction of another’s vehicle, he came out of there having a new perspective on his life. He knew he had to make changes in his life that could make a positive impact upon his own life and upon society. Walking down the intersection of the street, he thought about what his life would have been like if his father had been a good and descent human being with high standards in regard to morals. How he would have carried himself in public today had his father been someone people could respect.
However, Thomas James’s father had been in and out of jail himself for domestic assault and drunkenness. The last time he was in jail, he was very destructive. Specifically, breaking furniture and beating up his Thomas James’ mother so bad, she landed in the hospital. His father was arrested after the neighbors telephoned the police to report the trouble they heard coming from the household. He now has a police record, and is on probation. If he were to break the probation, he’d be locked up permanently. Now, the only thing Thomas James can do is put his father and the past out of his mind through concentrating on his destination. His first priority is making it safely to the other side of the street. He was scheduled to report to his probation officer tomorrow morning to discuss measures to take for getting further counseling for his addictions, and helping him get placed in a special work program that would enable him to obtain useful life skills and techniques needed, through on the job training. For now, he enjoyed the quiet with only the sounds of the cars going by around him. The night offered him some cover from the every day hassles of life. The day was his foe and the night was his friend. He felt more comfortable at night, because he felt he could be invisible to people who passed him by. During the daytime, he was more conscious of himself, and worried about what people whom he encountered would think of him. The night offered him a sense of security, in that the darkness, the stars in the sky, and the moon were so very soothing to his senses. He felt like he belonged when he was surrounded by the night. It made him feel like he could be whoever he wanted to be through losing himself in its realm, even for a brief moment in time. At least for now, he has some sort of inner peace, which leads to a greater understanding as to how the world operates. There are many wonders throughout the universe, and he was a part of it. The only question that went through his mind was where his life was headed. What would the future hold for him long term, and could he make it through the night without the intensity of his dreams when he slept?
#Unreal #ThomasJames #Series #PartTwo #Addictions #JailTime #BelongingInTheNight
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