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Mis/translations Diana Norma Szokolyai and Rita Banerjee are the founders and co-directors of the Cambridge Writers' Workshop (CWW). You can read about the CWW's upcoming Pre-Thanksgiving Yoga, Writing, and Juice Cleanse Retreat in Quail Bell Magazine. In the interview, the CWW shares tips on creating a creative discipline of writing, yoga, and self-care. Rita also discusses the creative writing invention exercise "Mis/translations" and how it can help kick-start your writing. Rita's poem, "Who Lamb" was inspired by a Mis/translation exercise at the last CWW Verderonne retreat. Norma read her own poem, "hullám/wave" in Hungarian and Rita "mis/translated" based entirely on the sound and feel of words that were foreign to her. hullám/wave By DBiana Norma Szokolyai (to be read out loud simultaneously in Hungarian & English) Az állando hullám The continuous wave igaznak hangzik rings true egymással keresztbe futó hullámok cross sea elmerülök a hullám sírban I am submerged in a watery grave érzed? Do you feel it? Már jön az érzelmi hullám The tidal wave is already coming Az égbe nyúlik It is reaching for the sky és a felhök, gyáva mint a nyúl and the clouds, timid as rabbits hallom a folyamatos hullámot I hear the continuous wave beszélsz hullámositásokat you are talking channelings szeizmikus hullámok idógörbéje time curve, a hajadba, hullámos papirszalag in your hair, streamers hullám, hullám wave, wave, hullám wave Who Lamb By Rita Banerjee (*A “Mis/Translation” of a Diana Norma Szokolyai's poem "hullám/wave" ) Who lamb. Who’s into who lamb? Igor likes Congo Music, Caress my photo, who lamb. He said Marion bring me a who lamb, Sheared. Azaleas on the bank, Hollow as eggs On the bank Best who lamb with chocolate Seismic who lamb Igor likes to pay For it with Who lamb Who lamb Who lamb If you are interested in the CWW's Pre-Thanksgiving Yoga, Writing, and Juice Cleanse Retreat (November 22-23), there is a limited time reduced registration fee. It will only last until Thursday November 20th, so apply now! #Unreal #Poetry #Yoga #JuiceCleanse #CWW #PreThanksgiving #Translation #HungarianPoetry Visit our shop and subscribe. Sponsor us. Submit and become a contributor. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
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