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The Fire of Aries
By Alicia Mann
I’ve always felt a love-hate relationship with my zodiac sign. I’m an Aries AND a redhead, so I’m known for my fiery temper, or at least the potential for a fiery temper. Growing up I was constantly bombarded by people wondering if I was as feisty as they assumed I was. And whenever I did get frustrated or angry, the same people chalked up my reactions as being a result of my star sign, completely invalidating my feelings. I think I hated my sign so much because it fit me so well. I would read characteristics and traits of other signs trying to see some semblance of them in myself, but the perfect sign was the one I was born under. And that included both the good and the bad traits.
As a kid, my Sagittarius friend Sarah and I would hike around my grandmother’s nine acres of forest coming up with hundreds of plots for our pretend games, building forts, and rock collecting next to the river. We frequently climbed trees and were rewarded with sap that stayed in our hair (no matter how many times our moms tried to get it out). The adventures we had linger in my mind as I go forth and have adventures and trials of my own, giving me the courage and the strength to try new things, just as Sarah pushed me when we were children. Another trait that I feel I completely align with is the passion with which I live my life. I’ve always had an addictive personality and when I decide I’m interested in something, I completely revolve my life around it and tell everyone within a hundred yard radius. This ranges anywhere from a television show I have just discovered or a political debate I watched (the latter is less popular with most people). Thankfully, most of my passion revolves around books that I’ve read or the writing I’ve been working on and it drives me to pursue a career in it. However, I don’t just match up with the positive attributes, but some of the negative ones as well. Some of those include impulsiveness, stubbornness, and the tendency to stop projects mid-way through. Sometimes it takes me forever to write something that I’m interested in because I find something else to do and it falls to the wayside (like the novel I’m in the middle of writing and have been since June). I hate being wrong and even if I know that I am, I’ll still fight for my point just for the sake of pride and stubbornness. Along with being stubborn, I don’t completely mind being confrontational about things that I really care about. Especially social justice issues. It doesn’t make me very popular with some people but I can’t help it. It’s in my nature. It’s funny. I never used to really give much stock to zodiac signs and how the time of your birth attributes to a person’s personality. Since writing this piece, I’ve come to learn much more about myself and just how much I align with my sign.
#Real #What'sYourSign? #Aries #FieryTemper #Passion #Stubbornness #Drive #Courage #TheRam
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