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10 Reasons to Consider Having Casual Sex TonightIn the spirit of #SexySaturday, I feel as though it is important to reflect upon the finer points of casual sex and all of the reasons why casual sex might be a good idea for safe and consenting adults. What’s a foxy individual like yourself doing in front of a computer screen like this? All of this talk about hook-up culture and its painful pleasures has put me in a saucy mood. A lot of people like sex for sex’s sake. Women are no different. If you’re not in a sexually-exclusive relationship, then you might want to consider NSA sex as a constructive way of spending your time. Let’s face it: now is the best time to have casual sex. I’m not going to explain all of the risks that come along with casual sex or show you scary STD pictures. If you’re a consenting adult who understands these risks, then why pass up a great time? If you score high on the sociosexual orientation inventory, then you’re 1 of the lucky people who get the most out of casual sex. No-strings-attached sex just might be a great idea because it does the following:
1.) Lowers Stress: Reduced levels of stress, depression, and anxiety? These could all be yours. Give the stress toys a break. If the thought of squeezing an animate object gets you going, go out and find a toy that truly appreciates getting squeezed! Just make sure it only “hurts” as much as they want it to and always in a way that gets them off.
2.) Boosts Self-Esteem: Sex strokes the ego and gives it a happy-ending, resulting in heightened self-esteem. Being dubbed bang-worthy might be an incredibly flattering experience it it’s welcome and not imposed upon you by some creepshow. Are you above feeling good about how a sexy someone wants to bang you? Sure, everyone has different standards and some people will sleep with anything. But sexual attraction isn’t a purely physical equation. While some people go for anyone within eyeshot, certain qualities make other people struggle to keep their (own) clothes on a losing battle. It feels good to be sexy, doesn’t it? It feels good to admire beauty and be admired for your own. Narcissistic, manipulative, sexist, and coercive college-aged men aren’t the only people who get a confidence boost from casual sex. So can you! Why should any narcissists’ opinion matter, anyway? 3.) Gives You That Love Buzz: If you’re lucky, you might encounter someone who makes your heart feel like all of the endangered monarch butterflies sought refuge inside of it. No matter how casual, crushes feel good, especially when you’re having sex with them. The high is incomparable. All of that oxytocin, phenylethylamine, and dopamine give you a heady yet full-bodied sensation that feels like the most pleasant gas that you’ve ever had. Unless you're paying for the sex specifically, then crushes are a cheap alternative to ecstasy because they produce the same feelings. Infatuation is a cheap and legal high. Besides, 27% of the individuals surveyed in 2014's Singles in America study reported developing long-term relationships with people who entered their life via one-night stand. So if you're looking for love, the world of noncommittal sex might not be a bad place to start looking. 4.) Attracts money: Science says that individuals who have 4 or more sexy times a week earn over 4 times more money than those who do not. Then again, these people probably aren't spending their on ecstasy, either. Clearly, this means that more sex means more money. Why go to some boring seminar when you can simply have sex and let the money flock to you? You don’t even need to be a sex worker to make this happen. #TheMoreYouKnow 5.) Brings Variety: Need a change of pace? You can set the tempo with squeaking mattress springs.
6.) Provides a Social Outlet: Casual sex is a great mating strategy and doesn’t hinder your ability to enjoy long-term relationships. Oh, the people you’ll meet! If someone doesn’t want to be with you because you slept with them shortly after meeting them, then that person probably didn't have much else to contribute to your life in the first place. The data collected from the most recent Singles in America study revealed that "27 percent of [the study's] 2014 respondents reported having had a one-night stand turn into a long-term, committed partnership." In the same study, 50% of single women and 66% of single men had a one-night stand in 2014 and "the numbers varied little over the past five years."
I can only imagine what sexiness lurks behind these gender-specific numbers... See? You're in good company. The odds of you getting laid are in your favor. Woohoo! In a world that’s largely viewed through a screen, any kind of flesh-on-flesh interaction is a luxury. Sexcapades bring pleasure and pleasure is meaningful. If you're single and jonesing for sex on a dating website like, be sure to mind this sex life hack: you + emojis = more sex. You're welcome. I’m not saying that every casual sex encounter is riveting. It’s nice to take a break from the cynicism and humdrum of everyday life. Let’s face it: most of our daily interactions aren’t anywhere near as titillating or enjoyable. Sex brings people together. Sex is a great way to be social and get yourself out there. 7.) Improves Health: An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away. Sex boosts your immune system, lowers your blood sugar, and improves the quality of your sleep along with your stamina. Once you pop, the fun doesn’t stop. According to the results of a study conducted by the University of Amsterdam, merely thinking about sex improves your critical thinking abilities. Apparently, the study’s participants who thought about sex took a test and scored higher on average than the test-takers who weren’t thinking dirty thoughts. In other words, this article is sharpening your critical thinking skills. Suddenly, college makes perfect sense to me. Have you considered finding a sexy study buddy? Your brilliance depends on it! Besides, the brain is a very sexy organ. 9.) Provides Novelty: A lot of people miss their bed-hopping days once they are “tied down.” No one’s tying you up right now. But they could be. Don’t deprive yourself of string-free sex if you’re not harming anyone. Sex is versatile and thrilling. It comes in all shapes, sizes, and styles. Spice up your life! Treat yourself to shameless fun, but know that it will lead you down the inevitable path... 10.) *THE WALK OF FAME: There’s something special about knowing that you just got laid. It’s another beast entirely when others look at you and know that you got laid. Y’know, that oh-so-dreaded walk when you’re heading home after a one-night-stand and everyone whom you pass by knows that you just got it on. My inside-out shirt, disheveled hair, and hickey-studded neck always give me away. Shameful, right? That sounds just about as shameful as walking down a catwalk to me. The only thing shameful about The Walk is the fact that humans are still weirded out by an action that created most of us (but certainly not all of us). We have sex to thank for our lives. Next time, don’t just endure The Walk of Fame. Own it. Have fun and be safe! #Real #GhiaVitale #SexySaturday #CasualSex #SexPositivity #ReasonsToHaveCasualSex #JustDoIt #EthicalHedonism Visit our shop and subscribe. Sponsor us. Submit and become a contributor. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. CommentsComments are closed.