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Retro Sex: Let Genitals Be Genitals
I just learned that cat declawing might become illegal in New York. It’s about damn time! Organizations like "PETA, the ASPCA, and the Humane Society are all strongly opposed to declawing, with the latter referring to the procedure as 'like cutting off each finger at the last knuckle.' Declawing can also negatively affect a cat's ability to walk properly, and can contribute to paw irritation.”
There are plenty of alternatives, so there’s no ethical reason for it to happen. Sometimes, society just clings to something that is clearly outdated because “that’s the way it is,” a response backed up by basically nothing. Imagine someone saying something like, "Oh, sure! I'll give you food, shelter, and love - IF you cut your fingers off because it will ruin my furniture." Messed up, right? At least you got the heads-up. Cats don't get that. Neither do babies. Even if you did get the heads-up, you would be horrified that there are people out here who’d like you better with less fingers or toes. Reflecting upon cat declawing reminds me of another mysterious phenomenon that humankind still practices: genital mutilation. For the life of me, I have not even the faintest understanding as to how someone ever looked upon their genitals and think, “Damn, I should totally mangle that very sensitive part of my body!” I’m pretty positive that if cave-me were ever confronted with the decision to “become a woman” or keep my clitoris in tact, I would’ve clung to my clit for dear life. Who needs friends and family when you have orgasms and aren’t dying of blood loss or any of the other ailments caused by female genital mutilation? If you read about the litany of myths that explain why women are better off without clitorises, none of them are truly worth it. What’s better: getting your clitoris chopped off or having your vagina grow into a penis? #waytogotransphobia Sometimes, they get ahold of you when you’re too young to see what’s coming. Anyone born with a penis faces the risk of getting circumcised. There are lots of theories that strive “to explain the origin of genital mutilation." One theory postulates that circumcision began as a way of ‘purifying’ individuals and society by reducing sexuality and sexual pleasure. Human sexuality was seen as dirty or impure in some societies; hence cutting off the pleasure-producing parts was the obvious way to ‘purify’ someone.” “No amount of acceptance is worth that!” exclaimed the first-worlder typing an article for Quail Bell in her pajama pants. Genitals are beautiful things. In our pubic area, there blossoms a flower that rids our bodies of waste and bestows the power of orgasm upon you. A pure emanation of nature, the naked body is stunning in its organic beauty. Sure, genitals might be squishy, synthetic “flowers” that look like they’re in action for the sake of some alien experiment in action. Despite the sex-negative attitudes that plague society and political/religious communities, there is nothing that is even remotely alien about our genitals. I’m not saying genitals are angels; our body might come down with illness, pain, and many other things that can literally hold us down. I also realize that people weaponize sex. But in my *expert opinion, genitals are rad because orgasms and babies. Because clearly, that is what happened; once upon a time, someone did, in fact, decide that it was a cool idea to mutilate genitals. Wanna get creepier? Just picture someone turning to another person and telling them, “Hey! You know what would be really beneficial? Mutilating your genitals. It totally promotes well-being.” (Unlike orgasms, of course.) Seriously; I sort of grasp why genital mutilation used to be popular in biblical times. To be honest, I can totally see why foreskins were thought of like war trophies back in the day. What’s more fashionable: a severed head or amputated genitals? The latter is more compact. Young Xhosa men in South Africa bury their chopped-off foreskins as a rite of passage into manhood (and it was ordained by God, of course), also witches like myself couldn’t use them in black magick rituals. After enduring this trauma, they have to survive in the wilderness to prove their manhood before returning to their elders. People in industrialized countries everywhere are still cutting foreskins like the U. S. government isn’t cutting higher education costs. Like cat declawing, genital mutilation is not beneficial or necessary. It is dumb. Just as there are much better options to cat declawing, there’s a much better way to avoid the infections that people are oh-so-afraid of: teaching children with penises how to clean their foreskins. That way, everyone’s genitals remain in tact and they get to enjoy. Millions will die without knowing all that their penises have to offer. Let’s stop turning people into freaks of nature. Instead, let’s just get freaky with nature and realize that sex isn’t shameful. #RetroSex #GenitalMutilation #GenitalsArePeopleToo #SayNoToCircumcision #SayYesToPleasure #Mythology Visit our shop and subscribe. Sponsor us. Submit and become a contributor. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. CommentsComments are closed.