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By G. Davod Schwarz
It seems to me that to ask about lies is to just ask about falsehood. A Yiddish proverb says, "“A half-truth is a whole lie” if this were true it would seem that a whole truth was a half lie. This being the way things are in the world, to not know something is to be possessed with a half truth, and therefore a whole lie.
This truth seems to me to bode to the absolute truth that there is no truth, no deep truth nor simple truth. Nietzsche said “I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you” Yet not believing is an act of truth or if you wish, being true. but it deems treat acting true is a falsehood. For example (examples are suggestions so do not fall into the category of truth and falsehood, just of ability and all ability just as a search toward truth (a search away from untruth. It seems that the entire metaphysical endeavor is a search for the truth. This endeavor excises from the baby crying on the floor, to the monument of the being laying in the coffin. I am not a morbid thinker, not one who believers death has any good, but truth is or becomes positive to a person who odds not think about it, nor anything else. I cannot myself think of a counter argument to thing difference, and i do not wish to be or be called an heathanist, but I thing there is something that must be done to keep us alive, enjoying life and doing social good rather than social bad. I think, therefor, not that i am, although I assume that I am. but I think that enjoyment of comedies, from just to mention some I remember from my youth, Lucille Ball, Groucho Marx. and Bill Cosby is not escapism but an excellent way to not only avoid lying, but to experience truth. Lies are, because descriptive and misleading are not primarily to be avoided because to avoids lies is to avoid life or at least big portends of life, but it is to cease temporarily doing events promote untruths. Laugher does not promise untruth but seeks or presents a feeder truth. Therefor I say laugh away lies and make a better life. Just imagine how it would be if, in the 60's, the Americans and Soviets met at the table and had a laugh contest. I suggest this motto: Peace and truth (they always go together) by laughter.
#Real #PersonalEssay #Lies #Truth #Nietzsche
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