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Our Writers' GuidelinesQuail Bell is committed to all that is imaginary, nostalgic, and otherworldly. That means the magical, the historical, the quirky, and the just plain weird. Our voice is witty and off-beat (even sarcastic at times)--never dry. Our staff strives to create a publication that is constantly informative, entertaining, and beautiful. We are selective about the topics we cover. After all, we're not just another fairytale rag. We'd like to think of ourselves as an edgy neo-fairytale* magazine that only occasionally dips into the cutesy. With all that in mind, if you are interested in contributing written content (stories, articles, essays, reviews, satire, etc.) to QB, please abide by the following guidelines: • Get the topic right. We are not your average, general audience consumer magazine. Take a look at our content and you'll notice that what we run is a little...esoteric. Like-minded publications we recommend are Bust, Gothic Beauty, Cricket, Nylon, Vice, The Cyberpunk Apocalypse, RVA Magazine, Fairies, Fae, and Faerie. We are not, however, a carbon-copy of any of these magazines. There are plenty of differences between ours and theirs. Get to know what we run before you pitch an idea or submit a story! • Be confident in your writer's voice. Get a little kooky. We like creativity, strangeness, sarcasm, and street smarts. We don't like stilted, boring voices that remind us of our least favorite grade school teachers. • Check your grammar, mechanics, spelling, and overall flow. Avoid the passive voice except for rare points of emphasis or 'old-timey' elegance. Also be sure to vary your sentence structure so your piece isn't full of all super-long, medium, or super-short sentences. Mix it up! Your story should make sense and read well. We automatically reject any piece that has more than 5 typos. We're the only ones allowed to make mistakes! (Joke.) • Always check your facts and double-check your sources. Be sure that your properly quoted people. Don't make up crap, unless you're writing a work of fiction. Do your research. Please maintain your journalistic integrity or steer clear of us. Check out our full submission guidelines! *Yeah, that's super-pretentious. Sorry. CommentsComments are closed.