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Book 1, Number 11 "Do not dwell in the past. Do not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind on the present moment." -Buddha There's something to be said about the combination of morning sun, great coffee, warm apple strudel and having the perfect place to write. As I'm writing, I greet another writer as he too basks in the morning sun, in this little slice of heaven found at Kefa Coffee in Silver Spring, Maryland. Kefa serves organic coffee and their house soup is a bread bowl. Now do you see why I feel so cozy? As I sit here and let the sun melt away my ego (the inflated part), my heart begins a new rhythmic pattern. This new pattern resonates love, warmth, truthfulness, harmony, peace, acceptance and contentment. It's funny the mental and emotional distance we must go to get there—not to mention how many wrong turns we take to get there, only to wonder, have we really arrived? My hope for you this morning is that you allow the sun to melt away those parts of you that hold you from being authentic. That you find your slice of heaven. That you let your heart find a new rhythmic beat. Contentment is yours, mine and ours for the taking. So let's take it. Now. Swiftly. Inspired. May your day be bright. Recommended Reading: "10 Ways You're Wasting Your Life and Are Just Too Afraid to Admit It" from Elite Daily #Coffee #Morning #WakeUp
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