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The Legend of the Worry DollsWorry dolls are not magic, but what they do is. You may have seen them before. I remember my kindergarten class making them one day, and my grandmother often brought them home for me when she came to visit and encouraged me to use them according to the legend that came with them. She always told me that if I whispered my worries to one of the tiny dolls before I went to bed and then slept with it under my pillow, I would sleep soundlessly and wake up with my worries vanished. This legend of the worry dolls has lasted for many generations and dates back to the age of the Mayans. The dolls are handcrafted and are usually simple, fashioned from pieces of wood or wire and wrapped with yarn and cloth in the traditional colors of Mayan costumes. They are kept in wooden boxes or wool pouches and are only about an inch tall so they can fit safely under your pillow. Though the worry dolls aren’t actually magic as the legend might suggest, they do work. When you speak to a worry doll, you are realizing aloud the things that are making you fear or worry or anticipate. The dolls take the worry from you simply by allowing you to just say it out loud. These beautiful little dolls with their brightly colored skirts and small faces are a wonderful tradition. If you have a worry that’s bringing you down, why not speak to a worry doll of you own, and watch the trouble vanish in the night? Try these websites for purchasing your own worry doll:!shop CommentsComments are closed.