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It's Primavera, Fledglings!By The Quail Bell Crew 1. Play with a disposable camera and capture snapshots of daffodils and bumblebees for your bulletin board. 2. Transform a mason jar into a terrarium. Stuff it with moss and other natural objects culled from your yard, the park, or your favorite creek. 3. Visit a new city. It can be a “torn-up town.” The only rule is that it must be a place you've never visited before. (Might we suggest Portland, Maine, Iowa City, Iowa, St. Augustine, Florida, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania?) Wherever you decide, read up on it, choose a travel buddy, and go. 4. Take a trip to your local archives. If you live in a bigger town or city, the archives might be housed in the historical society, university, or state or regional library. If you live in a smaller place, you might have to hunt for the historical treasures of your town. Maybe a local church or school keeps old documents, photographs, and other items that tell the story of where you live. 5. Visit your grandparents. If you're accustomed to only seeing them for the holidays, here's a great chance to see them in a new light—literally the spring light! 6. Go to an open mic night and read a poem. It's not as scary as you might think. In fact, here are some tips, so calm down already. 7. Make a scrapbook or keep a journal. Too middle school? It doesn't have to be. Avoid writing about your math class crush or the woes of wearing braces and you're good on the grown-up front. Or not. You're a grown-up. Do whatever you want. 8. Find a fabulous old frock at a thrift shop or rummage sale. Rock it. To answer Spencer Johnson's question “What would you do if you weren't afraid?”: Wear whatever the hell you want. 9. Prepare a fresh salad using local ingredients, whether pulled from your own garden or bought at the farmers' market. Give it a test run and serve it to friends for your next gathering once you've perfected it. 10. Get hooked on a new band, preferably one that 's high-energy and doesn't take itself too seriously. 11. Read in a book in a genre you don't normally try. Perhaps a banned or challenged book? (Then write about it and submit your review or personal essay to us!) 12. Kick one toxic habit in your life. Find a nourishing one. This is a time of rebirth. 13. Knock on a neighbor's door. Have a chat. If you live in a neighborhood of porches, spend an evening porch-hopping. 14. Save a baby bird—smartly. 15. Bring a notebook or sketchbook to a playground and observe children playing. Write or draw something that inspires you. (Don't worry about being creepy. Just don't hit or kidnap a child...duh.) 16. Chalk up the sidewalk for an afternoon. Just read your local vandalism laws first. 17. Sit by a body of water for a while with nothing but your thoughts. Turn off your cell phone. 18. Bake something for somebody. Say zucchini bread? 19. Make cards for friends and family to wish them a happy spring. 20. Learn a poem, prayer, or verse of some kind to thrust you through those days when it's hard to appreciate the sunshine. #Spring #NotTwee #Primavera #ToDoList #YOLO
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