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Photo by Movidagrafica on Pixabay If you are building up your dental practice, then you need some equipment. It’s as simple at that. It’s true even if you are simply building a general dental practice that doesn’t have the need for a lot of advanced equipment. The sheer number of equipment can be overwhelming, but it’s important to know exactly what you need for your practice to thrive. Thankfully, we’ve narrowed it down to a simple list of essential pieces of equipment that are absolutely necessary for your dental practice. This article is going to share some of those pieces with you. So, if you are building a dental practice, read on: Handpieces No patient likes when you use them, but dental handpieces come in all shapes and sizes. Handpieces are also used for countless procedures. So, make sure you that you not only have handpieces, but that you are also looking at the benefits and drawbacks of each handpiece. You might want to invest in an electric corded handpiece, as these can provide constant torque at all speeds. Cordless handpieces are powered by rechargeable battery packs, which means you will need a separate charging station. Handpieces are absolutely essential. Picking the correct ones for the procedures that your dental practice is going to complete on a regular basis is crucial. An Ultrasonic Scaler This might seem like a device from the future, and it is a pretty cool device to have around! An ultrasonic scaler uses high-frequency soundwaves to remove surface stains and roughness. It whirrs when turned on almost like a vacuum. The soundwaves can be directed to clean anywhere, and they are especially useful whenever you are trying to clean around brackets or bands. A Crown Remover Dental crowns are little caps that can be placed on a tooth that has been affected by tooth decay and other damage. However, in some cases, a crown that has been put on needs to be removed. Often, this is because the dental crown has failed, or another complication in the mouth has caused a need for the removal of the crown. Crown remover instruments are used to perform this procedure, and there are several different ways to remove a crown. Depending on whether you want to leave the crown intact during the removal or if you want to destroy the crown by breaking off the tooth itself, you will use different instruments. Still, all of them will be able to take the crown off and allow for further operation on the tooth underneath. Dental Lasers Dental lasers are another piece of equipment that looks like it could have come from the future. Dental lasers are minimally invasive and cause less bleeding and pain overall when used in the mouth. They can be used to reshape overgrown tissue, remove tissue, and prepare a damaged tooth for restoration. Although lasers might sound destructive, the damage that they cause is highly focused and they do not cause a lot of damage to the surrounding tissue. Also, they can actually help in dental recovery. Different Kinds of Dental Handpieces Finally, the meat and potatoes/core of your entire dental practice are going to be your collection of dental handpieces. From handpieces that go at different speeds to handpieces built for hygiene, you will need to have a fairly diverse collection of them as you grow your practice. Just make sure to clean, lubricate, and sterilize your handpieces to provide better care and avoid cross-contamination. Dental handpieces will likely be the most used of all your dental instruments. So, make sure to build your collection quickly and use them effectively. What Else is Essential? The dental supplies that are essential are going to be a matter of taste. Knowing your essential dental supplies is a matter of knowing what procedures you will do and what items your practice will need. This article could go on and on listing supplies, but the best thing to do is to start serving patients and seeing what type of supplies you need the most. After that, make sure to find a good supplier that will keep up with your demand and give you all of the supplies that you need. The last thing your thriving practice needs is to suddenly experience a slowdown because of a lack of supplies. With the right essential equipment, you can bet that your practice is going to be able to serve all its patients and complete any procedure that is thrown at it! CommentsComments are closed.