Three Steps to Set Your Mind Free
It is often said that if you are able to set your mind free, things have a way of falling into place. It is not an easy task though, especially because of the world that we all live in at the moment. There are just so many distractions, along with a constant bombardment of contrasting ideas via various online and offline channels all around us. Our mind and spirit can only be set free when we can relax and think without the constant influence of others and their biased opinions. If you always feel fatigued internally and there's a feeling of dissatisfaction inside you that eats away at the soul, here are three very easy, but extremely effective steps to put your mind through a detox and cleanse it, so that you can live your life with a lot more freedom than you had until now.
Meditation might sound cliched and it might even be so, but that has nothing to do with its effectiveness though! The practice is thousands of years old and unlike most things that were there millenniums ago, meditation did not perish because it worked then and it will work now. However, there are a few arrangements you will need to make first, so that you can reach that state of mind which is required to relax and free your consciousness.
Get a blend of essential oils, or at least some lavender or jasmine oil and put it in a diffuser before you sit down for the session. You will find the best essential oil diffuser options that come in various shapes and sizes on Art Natural, along with all the oils and blends you will need. Put your phone on flight mode for the session if you can or at least put it on vibration. Any music that relaxes you is welcome, but it should be instrumental and preferably without vocals. A few scented candles are great too, as it will let you switch off the electric lights completely. That’s it for the preparations, so now go through the following instructions which will prepare you for a basic meditation session. Do remember that there are multiple ways to meditate and this one is only meant to help guide you towards the right direction.
- Sit with your legs crossed, but keep them loose and relaxed
- Keep your hands gently on your lap or on your thighs; don’t clench
- Do not concentrate on anything in particular and let your mind wander
- As your mind tries to grasp any particular thought, don’t let it
- Eventually, you will reach a point of relaxation in a few minutes, which is the initial goal
- You will know this is the state to be in because at this point, you won’t feel your usual stresses and worries at all
- Increase your meditation time gradually as your mind and spirit develops through the various stages of meditation
In many ways, exercise and meditation actually have a few things in common, for example, in both activities, your mind is freed of everything else that clouds it; one achieves this through physical relaxation, while the other achieves the same through physical exertion. While exercise in all forms is great for the body and the mind, little else is more liberating than running or jogging through a wooden trail. Try to find a time or a spot when you can be as lonely as possible, but do not compromise your safety for it though! Alternatively, you can try yoga, which is closely connected to meditation and may complement your meditation routine perfectly. Sometimes, it could even help if you just let your frustrations and anger loose on a punching bag in the gym. The truth is that exercise means different things to different people, and the activity doesn’t matter as much if you end up feeling relaxed and liberated at the end of your session. A point to be noted here is that sports can also be exhilarating and even act as an antidepressant for many, but when it comes to liberating your mind, try and stick to exercises that involves spending time mostly with yourself for the session.
Break the Cycle
Arguably, the most effective way to set the human mind free is by breaking norms. Do understand that we are not talking about breaking laws set by the government here! The only laws that needs breaking here are the walls and boundaries that we so often confine ourselves into subconsciously. You don’t have to jump off a plane right away, or even at all because that is also in some way, a conformation to the norm. Pop culture shows characters conquering their fears by skydiving and scuba diving, but what if you don’t want to? When you are skydiving because you want to, but can’t do so out of fear, it makes sense, but when you skydive even when you don’t want to, it serves no real purpose here. Instead, search your heart as you sit in meditation and figure out the things that you want to do, but can’t because of deep-rooted psychological conditionings. List what they are and eventually, be sure to check off that list completely. By the time you have a fully checked list, your mind will be liberated to a level that you had never thought possible before.
If all this sounds too complicated, start off by simply breaking small regularities and it will create new neural patterns in your brain. Take the other longer route you never take as you drive back home from office, take your partner out on a date to a place you have never been to before as a couple, or plan a brand-new activity that you wanted him/her to be a part of for a long time. The possibilities are endless, as long as the idea is to try something new at each opportunity you get, irrespective of its size and scope.
Liberating one’s mind is not equivalent to reaching nirvana, it is about sharpening your mind by reaching a higher consciousness and making your life more productive by not just thinking out of the box, but actually stepping out of it too. A combination of the three things we just discussed might just change your life forever and unleash the best you have to offer to yourself and the world that matters to you.