Hair Damaged and Over-treated? Three Reasons Not to Put Off Getting It Cut Shorter
It can be a lot of fun changing your look and coloring, perming, straightening and otherwise treating your hair. However, all of this will take a toll on its condition, and may well leave your hair looking frazzled and feeling like straw.
While there are products containing proteins like keratin that can help your hair look a bit shinier and feel a bit softer, any repair that they do is really superficial, and the hair will return to its damaged state if you stop using them, and may still be prone to breakage.
The best solution is usually to give you hair a clean slate by chopping off the most damaged parts and wearing a shorter cut for a while as it grows back and recovers. This is daunting for a lot of people, however here are three good reasons to do it now rather than later:
A New Cut Can Give You a Fantastic New Look
If you have always had long hair, then a new cut that takes it to shoulder length or above will grab you lots of attention and make you feel like you have had a complete makeover. The difference can be really dramatic. You can be quite creative with shoulder length and shorter cuts too – there is some great bob inspiration at that proves that a shorter cut can still be glamorous, feminine and fashionable!
You Can Always Use Extensions
If you are worried you simply won't feel like yourself with shorter hair, then happily, you can get the best of both worlds as long as your hair is long enough to use clip-in extensions. You can buy these fairly inexpensively in both real and synthetic hair, and they only take a few minutes to put in once you are used to using them.
This can allow you to wear your hair shorter while it recovers, enjoy all the practical benefits of a shorter, easier to wash and style cut, and yet still have the long hair you are used to when you dress up. In fact, you can even use extensions to obtain even longer hair than you have now, and with none of the damage your own hair has been subject to!
It Will Promote Growth
If you ultimately want to keep long, natural hair, then unfortunately once your hair reaches a certain state of damage this is no longer possible. Breakage and poor condition means that dry, over-treated hair never reaches the growth potential healthy hair has, and you may find it won't get any longer without a good cut.
Cutting your hair off can feel like a big, scary step, however in a few months it will be back to where it was and in much better condition, so why not enjoy a fun new look and use extensions when you want your long tresses back? You will be glad you did when in six months you have fresh, healthy long hair once more!