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How To Make Vegan White Russians
In case you haven't heard the rumors, a sequel to The Big Lebowski just might be on its way. If you're vegan, you can still enjoy this Coen brothers' classic with a White Russian in hand. Your ethical diet needn't conflict with #dudeism. You’re not out of your element; The Dude abides. Get some coffee-flavored liquor, almond milk, The Big Lebowski, and let the magic begin with the best alcoholic drink ever!
Veganism is dietary pacifism; of course there is a way to work vegan White Russians into your drinking escapades! The key to success in veganism is finding affordable substitutes for your favorite foods that contain animal products. Removing animal product-containing foods ingredients doesn’t necessarily banish your enjoyment of their tastes. Your glass needn’t be empty while watching The Big Lebowski. Ingredients (if you’re into the whole brevity thing): Coconut milk, almond milk, or any other plant-based milk of choice (I recommend vanilla almond milk!) 1 shot of Kahlúa or any other coffee-flavored liquor 2 shots of vodka Fortunately, Kahlúa has many vegan options. Bone char is not used as a filter for most of the brand's products. It’s “to go” products, however, contain dairy. However, Kahlúa's owner (Pernod Ricard) is “a major funder of bullfighting.” If you don’t want to support a company owned by someone who sponsors animal cruelty, then find another brand that suits your morals. There is a wide variety of vegan vodkas to choose from. Popular brands like Absolut, SKYY, Ciroc, and Stoli are mostly vegan. Have a look yourself and see what strikes your fancy. Pour the liquor into your glass before adding milk into the mix. Stir. Enjoy. Feel free to adjust the recipe in accordance with your tastes and intended level of drunkenness. Welcome back to your element, Donnie. Visit our shop and subscribe. Sponsor us. Submit and become a contributor. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. #Real #GhiaVitale #TheBigLebowski2 #Food #Recipe #Crunk #Alcohol #Drink #TheDudeAbides CommentsComments are closed.