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Photo by Nicole Michalou on Pexels While you may think Christmas is a quieter period for male escorts, that’s not the case. In fact, your typical male escort could be even busier when the festive season comes around. … Wondering why? Well, that’s what you will discover in this article! You will also learn about the types of Christmas clients that male escorts get. Keep reading to get the full scoop: 1.) Women Who Need Companionship You could argue that everybody hiring a male escort needs companionship. However, the urge for companionship becomes even stronger when everybody is spending time with their family, partners, and friends. It can make single women feel as though they are missing out. Don’t believe us? According to a study by Pew Research, the percentage of people in the US without a partner has risen from 29% to 38% since 1990 [1]. Photo by Kat Smith on Pexels Another study looked at the number of restaurant bookings in the U.K. and found that one in five people will spend Christmas alone [2]. These types of Christmas clients try to replicate Christmas with a male escort by buying presents and going out for Christmas dinner. 2.) Somebody To Talk To People think a male escort service is all about physical attraction. That’s not always the case. When Christmas time is nearing, emotions start coming to the surface. Maybe it’s the festive spirit or the break from work. Regardless, some women want somebody to talk to about stuff that has been bothering them. Talking to a family member is great, but talking to a stranger that won’t share your secrets can be even better. We all know that families like to gossip, right? 3.) Women Who Don’t Celebrate Christmas Even though Christmas is the most popular public holiday throughout the world, not everybody celebrates Christmas. For some people, it’s just another ordinary day. These female clients are not necessarily feeling extra lonely at Christmas. They often want to hire a male escort for a variety of other reasons, like making an ex jealous or increasing their social status. Speaking of social status: 4.) Increased Social Status Countless parties and events take place at Christmas. Walking into a party or Christmas event by yourself subconsciously lowers people's perception of you. For women trying to impress certain people, whether it’s in the business world or their personal life, a good-looking male escort can do the trick! Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels Having somebody else with you in a social setting also increases your confidence, which goes a long way when trying to network with important people.
5.) To Make Their Ex Jealous Talk about Christmas drama, huh?! Women who have recently broken up with their boyfriends often hire a male escort to go on a date with. The purpose of this is to make their ex jealous, making it seem as though they have moved on. This works surprisingly well around Christmas because most ex-boyfriends are not working. In turn, this makes them more likely to bump into their ex-girlfriend. Even if a woman's ex-boyfriend is stuck at home, they’re probably scrolling through social media trying to kill time. Seeing a picture of their ex-girlfriend with another guy will stir up a lot of emotions. Conclusion There are a number of reasons why women hire a male escort at Christmas. These reasons include companionship, somebody to talk to, increased social status, and making their ex-boyfriend jealous. Thank you for reading! CommentsComments are closed.